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Use of Drones in Tanzania

In late 2018, Tanzania introduced new rules for drones uses in the country. Now, every drone in the country must be registered. In order to Fly a drone in Tanzania, one must be compliant with Tanzania’s drone regulations. Here listed down are the regulations to follow so as to do so.

Drone use considerations in Tanzania.

Want to bring your drone to Tanzania? Then read this TCAA (Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority) special considerations for foreigners who want to fly drones in a country:

  • Only drones weighing 7 kilograms (15.5 pounds) or less may be flown in Tanzania.
  • Flying a drone in Tanzania one must obtain permission from the TCAA. The form to submit can be found here.
  • Also, flying a drone in Tanzania, foreigners must obtain permission from the Ministry of Defence and National Service first.
  • Must obtain a permit from the Filming board of Tanzania
  • To fly a drone in Tanzania for any purpose (i.e., entertainment or commercial) you must hold a certificate authenticating your ability to fly a drone issued by a country you come from.
  • Proof of possession of the drone (for example, a receipt) and a registration fee of US$ 100.
  • Must be at least 21 years old, have a recent medical certificate, English skill, have a radiotelephony license, knowledge and skills test. A fee of US$ 200 may also be due.
  • Flying drones for commercial purposes needs an operator certificate and permits for the flights. Aerial photographs must be previously announced and, where appropriate, approved by security authorities.

Flying drones in Tanzania’s national park.

On your Safari preparation, you may have thought of bringing a drone with you for the aerial shots, right?  But you should ask yourself, are drones Allowed in Tanzania’s national park?

The answer is, Drones are NOT allowed in any of the Tanzania national parks for a regular tourist. However, such permission may be approved if one requests and obtain a permit from the authorities.

Why drones are not allowed inside parks.

This is due to the fact that they cause a disruption to the wild animals and it can cause injury to them and other tourists. Also, drones have often been used by poachers to hunt down animals.

Another reason why drones are not allowed in National parks in the humming sounds causes chaos to animals and may lead animals to a stampede which can result in injuries and even death.

What it costs to fly drones in Tanzania’s national park.

For you to fly a drone in National parks you will need to have a large sum of money that will be paid to the park authorities so as to ensure the safety of the animals and other tourists while you’re flying your drone. 

The park authorities haven’t stated the cost, but it is quite expensive and is usually reserved for television networks or film crews who can afford it.

If one can afford then find more procedures of using drones in Tanzania’s national park 

Where to fly drones in Tanzania?

Apart from the national parks, other places where is not allowed to fly drones are near an airport and within City Limits. other than that, you are allowed to fly drones within Tanzania as long as you have the necessary permits and licenses. That’s good news, isn’t it?

Final words.

As you can see, it is quite difficult for a Tanzanian tourist to fly their drones legally in the country. We advise you should not consider drones on your safari unless you eagerly want aerial view footage in the parks. In this case, our team is here to help you getting everything needed for using drones in the country (additional charges will apply for this complex task), and remember, procedures should be done before your arrival in Tanzania.


For further more information you can contact the Tanzania aviation authority.  Or you can also ask the embassy in your country for more information about the regulations.